
All medical information and content included on this website has been compiled by Denver Health and Hospital Authority's Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center (RMPDC). Although Denver Health and RMPDC attempt to keep this information up to date and as accurate as possible, Denver Health and RMPDC do not warrant or guaranty the completeness or accuracy of the medical information or content contained on this website. Website visitors assume full responsibility for any actions taken based on the medical information and content contained on this website. Denver Health and RMPDC expressly disclaim and bear no responsibility for any claim, loss, or damage caused by the use of the medical information or content contained on this website. RMPDC may make changes or improvements to this website at any time without prior notice or announcement.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Commitment
Denver Health and RMPDC are committed to maintaining the privacy of website visitors. Personal information is collected only when specifically submitted by the visitor for login purposes. This information is not shared with parties within Denver Health and RMPDC nor is the information shared with any other organization. RMPDC does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties.

For administration and tracking purposes, Denver Health and RMPDC collects statistical information on the number of website visitors, which parts of the website are viewed most frequently, and other similar statistical information. System access will be audited by Denver Health and the RMPDC for security purposes and to verify proper user access and use of the system.